"The Birth of Venus" Cameo
Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci by Alessandro Botticelli, 1476
Simonetta Vespucci 1453-1476
"Muore giovane chi è caro agli dei"
"Those who are dear to the gods die young"
Simonetta Vespucci was an Italian noblewoman, one of the most famous of the Renaissance.
It was loved by Giuliano de 'Medici, the younger brother of Lorenzo the Magnificent,
and idolized by Sandro Botticelli, who made it his Muse, making it eternal in his most famous paintings.
We find it, in fact, in the guise of the goddess Venus in the Birth of Venus or in one
of the Three Graces (the one in the center) in the allegory of Spring.
She was also a muse for many other artists, among whom Piero di Cosimo distinguished himself,
who painted the Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci, in which she is depicted as Queen Cleopatra,
with an asp that surrounds her neck.
Genuine hand carved shell cameo
Shell: Cassis Madagascariensis
Cameo Size: 50 mm
Our creations are furnished with certificate of authenticity
"The Birth of Venus" Cameo
"Pan And Diana"Cameo
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