''Luca Signorelli's Giorno del Giudizio'' Shell Cameo
This Cameo is Taken from the Painting of the Italian artist Guido Carracci.
The Transience of Beauty.
Eloquent, then, they become the symbols inserted in the work,
which must be read from left to right, as a development between the present and the future.
Then, on the left: the wild rose, with evanescent petals, pretty to look at, but fragile and ready to
fall at the slightest touch, clear reference to a condition of beauty, frank, intense and transitory,
like youth, a concept expressed with strengthened vigor from the presence of the dandoline flower,
which can also be dispersed by a weak breath of wind. So is physical beauty.
Why, the artist asks, fall into the trap of vanity, narcissism, for the ephemeral reward of sensuality?
To the right of the figure is the horrible future. The skull invites reflection.
Genuine hand carved shell cameo
Shell: Cassis Madagascariensis
Cameo Size: 52 mm
Our creations are furnished with certifciate of authenticity
''Luca Signorelli's Giorno del Giudizio'' Shell Cameo
"The Sacred Tables" Cameo
Six Children Cameo